Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Happy Birthday, Clara! {Aug 18, 1915 – Nov 29, 2013 }

Originally published on

Happy Birthday, Clara! {Aug 18, 1915 – Nov 29, 2013 }


Today is what would have been Clara Cannucciari’s 99th birthday.  I remember catching her videos for the first time in 2011.  She made the Poorman’s meal and I was instantly hooked.  Her tales of growing up during the Great Depression are riveting; she weaves her inspiring yet humble tales while whipping up delicious concoctions.  I simply love this woman and you will, too!
I have always had a love of cooking.  I watched my mom cook and bake when I was very small and then started getting my own hands into the cooking action when I was about 11 or 12 years old.   It’s been a passion that has never waned throughout the years.  My sisters and I are all awesome cooks; all varying in our styles, but all fantastic, nonetheless.  Now with YouTube and cooking shows galore, I’m in hog heaven~ up to my ears in food media!  Technology rawks!
I have made so many of Clara’s recipes and photographed them in the past 3 years.  I purchased her book and DVD and they are a staple in my everyday life.  You can find her website here: 
Today I want to dedicate my blog post to the lovely Clara (I will most likely be dedicating many future posts to her as well).  She refueled my cooking passion and for those of you who didn’t know her, you need to know who this awesome woman was.  I hope you enjoy her videos as much as I still do!  A huge thanks to her grandson for documenting his wonderful Nana and sharing her with all of us.  These are the small things that change the world for the better in a big way.

 Clara In Memoriam




Poorman’s Meal

(Oddly enough, though I have made this recipe dozens of times I have no photos.  I must’ve been too busy eating to remember the camera! That is now on my to-do list.)

Great Depression Cooking – Depression Breakfast

And finally- my version of Clara’s sugar cookies, plain:

and with lots of powdered sugar:

I love you, Clara! I know you’re rocking it up in heaven! Say hey to Julia for us. xo


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