Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Easy Caprese Salad

Originally published on


  • 8oz. ball of fresh mozarella cheese
  • about 8oz cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
  • 15-20 fresh basil leaves, depending on size (I love tons of huge leaves!)
  • balsamic vinegar
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • sea salt
  • cracked pepper
Slice mozarella or dice it, however you prefer.  Slice tomatoes in half and add to cheese.  Pull stems off of basil and discard; add leaves to salad.  Drizzle olive oil and balsamic to taste.  Finish with salt and ground pepper.  Enjoy!!
For variation try slicing your tomatoes & cheese differently, or use large tomatoes.  Break up your basil or leave them whole.  Use dried oregano as a topper.  Get creative!

Here is a way old pic of my very first Caprese Salad!

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