Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Adventures in Eggs- Do NOT try this at home.

Originally published on

  Last night I tried hard boiling eggs in the microwave, like a dumbass, without water (there’s ya first clue, Sherlock).  About 2 minutes in I heard a HUGE POWWWW!!  Two of my eggs had burst everywhere.  My microwave was a massive mess of exploded egg guts. I grabbed a hot pad and got out the other 2 intact eggs.  As soon as I dropped them in the sink, they both exploded in my face, in my hair, under the upper cabinets and all over the kitchen window blinds.  Yes, it burns btw.  Swear to God I didn’t make this shit up (who else would admit to being this dumb??).  I about had 2 frickin heart attacks but then started laughing hysterically.  Almost took a pic but I was too embarrassed of the mess and poor decisions.  Brightside- it only took me 25 minutes to clean it all up.
 And I run a food blog… LMAO.  Jacques and Julia would give me the worst stank eye.
 Not sure what went wrong…maybe the eggs were cracked.  Maybe the microwave isn’t the place for eggs.  Whatever.  I don’t wanna think about it anymore.  I still have my eyesight and for that I am grateful.  Don’t judge.  Snobs.

*shrug*      #headheldhigh        #rollwithit

Red sums it up here quite nicely:

**Image yanked from the internet. Don’t sue my ass. I’m broke anyway. 

TAGS: Eggs, Funnies, Random Thoughts, Stupidity, Tips

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